Lane Stadium Bleacher Construction - 6/17/99

Lane Stadium is undergoing a bleacher expansion project in the summer of 1999 that will add approximately 2300 permanent metal bleacher seats to the North (Cassell Coliseum) end zone.  The estimated cost of the project is somewhere below $500,000.

For more detail on Lane Stadium expansion, see HC's Lane Stadium Expansion Page.

Each thumbnail image is a clickable link to a larger image.

Far Left Far Left - this photo shows clearly how far the bleachers will extend towards the East stands, and what sort of gap they'll leave.   The gap will later be filled in when the bleachers are expanded from 2300 seats to 4000 seats, somewhere around 2003.
Middle Middle - this photo shows the beginnings of the concrete support structure for the bleachers.
Far Right Far Right - this photo shows the location of the bleachers with respect to the overhang that is located above the players tunnel.
Panoramic Panoramic Shot - this shot shows the entire bleacher construction area.  It was created by combining the middle and far right shots, both of which show more detail than this shot.

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