This table listing athletic revenue and expenditures for a select group of ACC schools and other schools is part of a larger report, 2006-07 Financial Report: ACC Gives Hokie Finances a Huge Boost

Comparison of ACC and Other Institutions, 2006-07 Athletics Finances
Number of unduplicated participants (athletes) as of the day of the first scheduled athletic contest


VT Virginia BC Clemson Duke FSU GT Maryland Miami UNC NCSU Wake WVU Tenn. PSU OSU Michigan Texas Stanford Syracuse
Men 336 367 347 263 369 265 252 343 193 426 304 233 306 253 483 507 379 259 422 327
Women 211 276 373 220 248 263 104 295 207 358 190 121 214 230 368 416 384 252 372 261
Total 547 643 720 483 617 528 356 638 400 784 494 354 520 483 851 923 763 511 794 588
# of sports * 17 21 27 15 22 15 13 27 14 24 20 14 15 16 25 29 23 16 37 17
# of players
in football
133 108 101 111 98 108 111 126 104 128 113 102 149 137 116 104 112 114 104 106
* All track sports are combined

Total revenues and expenses (in millions)

VT Virginia BC Clemson Duke FSU GT Maryland Miami UNC NCSU Wake WVU Tenn. PSU OSU Michigan Texas Stanford Syracuse
Revenue $65.487 $64.852 $57.392 $55.742 $47.507 $42.165 $49.581 $46.284 $49.220 $58.189 $42.635 $36.827 $ 46.971 $ 95.402 $ 76.328 $ 109.382 $ 89.080 $ 105.049 $ 65.480 $ 43.732
Expenses 55.941 64.852 56.116 48.154 47.391 39.945 49.169 46.284 49.220 58.189 41.514 36.559 42.721 92.557 71.974 109.382 68.292 89.314 68.834 43.732
Excess/defic. $9.546 $ - $1.276 $7.588 $0.116 $ 2.220 $ 0.412 $ - $ - $ - $1.121 $0.268 $ 4.250 $ 2.845 $ 4.354 $ - $ 20.788 $ 15.735 $ (3.354) $ -
Athletically related student aid (in millions)

VT Virginia BC Clemson Duke FSU GT Maryland Miami UNC NCSU Wake WVU Tenn. PSU OSU Michigan Texas Stanford Syracuse
Mens sports $3.381 $5.682 $6.545 $3.950 $6.179 $ 3.423 $ 4.253 $3.967 $ 5.419 $4.033 $3.432 $5.827 $ 3.218 $ 4.836 $ 6.163 $ 6.021 $ 6.812 $ 3.898 $ 8.025 $ 6.275
Women's sports 2.363 4.668 5.626 2.772 4.594 2.709 2.183 3.241 4.538 3.304 2.066 3.490 2.563 3.591 4.109 6.031 5.595 2.856 7.274 5.389
Total $5.744 $10.350 $12.171 $6.722 $10.773 $ 6.132 $6.436 $7.208 $9.957 $7.337 $5.498 $9.317 $ 5.781 $ 8.427 $ 10.272 $ 12.052 $ 12.407 $ 6.754 $ 15.299 $ 11.664
Recruiting expenses (in millions)

VT Virginia BC Clemson Duke FSU GT Maryland Miami UNC NCSU Wake WVU Tenn. PSU OSU Michigan Texas Stanford Syracuse
Mens sports $0.547 $ 0.764 $ 0.470 $ 0.675 $ 0.963 $ 0.631 $ 0.835 $0.483 $0.518 $0.674 $0.570 $0.410 $ 0.828 $ 1.653 $ 0.374 $ 0.911 $ 0.672 $ 0.747 $ 0.658 $ 0.839
Women's sports 0.211 0.348 0.159 0.217 0.283 0.315 0.277 0.234 0.255 0.298 0.233 0.187 0.272 0.352 0.307 0.325 0.330 0.410 0.234 0.282
$0.758 $1.112 $0.629 $0.892 $1.246 $0.946 $1.112 $0.717 $0.773 $0.972 $0.803 $0.597 $ 1.100 $ 2.005 $ 0.681 $ 1.236 $ 1.002 $ 1.157 $ 0.892 $ 1.121
Full time undergraduate students (actual)

VT Virginia BC Clemson Duke FSU GT Maryland Miami UNC NCSU Wake WVU Tenn. PSU OSU Michigan Texas Stanford Syracuse
Men 12,483 6,029 4,285 7,684 3,267 13,513 8,501 11,472 4,376 6,940 12,011 2,136 11,187 9,194 20,064 18,539 12,218 15,689 3,449 5,367
Women 8,990 7,122 4,734 6,488 2,977 17,545 3,341 11,176 5,298 9,900 9,051 2,196 9,403 9,545 16,548 16,443 12,413 17,374 3,240 6,777
# full time
21,473 13,151 9,019 14,172 6,244 31,058 11,842 22,648 9,674 16,840 21,062 4,332 20,590 18,739 36,612 34,982 24,631 33,063 6,689 12,144